A logo for minto dental health center


The Minnesota Oral Health Coalition welcomes you. If you have a personal or professional interest in oral health in Minnesota, we invite you to become a coalition member today.

Our Mission

To strengthen Minnesota’s oral health community through partnerships, resources, and outreach.

Our Vision

Optimal oral health for all Minnesotans.

The Minnesota Oral Health Coalition is made possible by a
grant from the Delta Dental of Minnesota Foundation. 

Want to Meet Your Mouth?

HPV and Oral Cancer Resources

A heart with a toothbrush in it's mouth.


Use the hashtag LoveYourTeeth to celebrate Children's Dental Health Month and Valentine's Day this February.  We have a folder full of logos, infographics and a children's coloring page HERE.  Or quickly download the following now:

Social media samples for #LoveYourTeeth (why write your own when we've already done it for you?)

Logo in PDF

Logo in PNG

Logo in JPEG

Coloring page of #LoveYourTeeth

A purple umbrella is in the center of a green circle.


Membership is the best way to stay in touch with what is happening in Minnesota.

We encourage you to get more involved and make this truly your coalition!

Scroll down for the membership form.

Become a Coalition Member Today!

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Check out our Resource page for new and updated materials, including our conference presentations.

Visit our YouTube Channel for all conference and Bounce Back Project videos!


Follow us on social media to see the latest news from MOHC!